Drain cleaning

Scranton Plumbing
​and Heating

Drain Cleaning

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Drain Cleaning in Scranton PA

​If the water doesn’t flow, then you need a pro!

Most people don’t think about drain cleaning. As long as their showers and sinks drain, they’re content. But what they don’t realize is even flowing drains still have harsh buildups. Contaminants in the water, rust, hair, and other debris build up over time, slowly blocking your water’s flow. Before you know it, the drain is stubbornly clogged.

Liquid drain cleaners work on minor clogs, but for the bigger ones you need a professional to clean them out. At Scranton Plumbing and Heating our team knows how to handle any size clog to make sure we get the water flowing again fast! Our team of passionate plumbers is fully equipped to take on any type of clog in any pipe or fixture. From bathtubs to dishwashers, if the water is plugged up we can take care of it.

Go beyond basic home remedies that can’t unplug your drains. Our professional plumbing experts have the tools and equipment to get your drains cleared in no time at all. Put down your bottle of liquid drain cleaner and let our technicians work it out with snakes, plungers, and more! Your clogged drains won’t stand a chance when you call Scranton Plumbing and Heating.

Because clogged drains usually don’t happen overnight, most are stubborn and hard to reach. Even with a snake purchased at a discount hardware store, most clogs are either too far down the drain to be reached, or they are too difficult to be cleared. Using only the best equipment available, our plumbers can reach further and clear out even the hardest clogs. Don’t get frustrated with store-bought drain cleaning tools. Let a professional plumber handle your clogs!

Clogged toilets aren’t just annoying; they’re gross, too. When your toilet is backed up you need it cleared out fast. Trying to clear it yourself can make a bigger mess, making things more difficult and embarrassing. Don’t make a bad situation worse; call Scranton Plumbing and Heating now!

Sump pumps and drainage lines become damaged over time. Sometimes it’s not your fixtures that are clogged, but your drainage system breaking down. Scranton Plumbing and Heating can install new sump pumps and repair old, cracked and leaking drainage lines in no time at all. Don’t get frustrated trying to clear drains that aren’t clogged. Let your local plumbing experts get to the root of the problem.

Sometimes the clogging issue is outside of your home. You may have a problem where your home meets the sewer. Scranton Plumbing can inspect your sewage system to get to the bottom of your clogging and draining problems. Having a clogged sewage connection needs a professional, and no one can fix it faster or easier than Scranton Plumbing and Heating.
No matter what your draining problems are, Scranton Plumbing and Heating is here to help. We have the right tools, equipment, and plumbers to find your clog and clear it out fast. We are your quick and reliable plumbing experts. Call Scranton Plumbing and Heating today!


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What Our Clients Are Saying

“Mike is truly a master of his craft. We choose his plumbing and heating services not only for our rental properties in East Scranton, but also for our home. He is reliable, honest and friendly. We recommend him to all of our friends!”

​            – Chris and Kaely, Scranton PA

Contact Us

Scranton Plumbing and Heating
705 Greenridge Street #100
Scranton, PA 18509